Appreciate what do you have, especially your parents. Trust me, it's really hard to life without parents. 

Dulu pas masih ada bokap dan tinggal bareng nyokap gw juga kadang masih suka ngebantah, apalagi kalau nyokap suka nyuruh A B C D, pualiiing magerr banget. 

Tapi setelah bokap meninggal dan gw nggak tinggal bareng nyokap lagi, gw jadi nyesel sendiri. 

Gw tau kadang orang tua suka nggak sejalan sama kebaikan atau maunya anak seperti apa, tapi lu bakal paham itu semua ketika lu udah nggak bisa tinggal bareng-bareng sama mereka lagi. 

“if you love something, let it go, if it comes back, it was meant to be.” 

I used to think this saying was simply fodder for idealists.

I have a friend who used to be of paramount importance in my life sophomore year of high school. Our friendship began with casual meet at class room but we can't contact with each other. He is a kind boy. 

at that time, he was already had a girlfriend. Around the same time, though, I was beginning a burgeoning relationship. While I was beginning to get serious with my boyfriend, I didn’t notice the signs. Instead, I focused on myself. Instead, I let our friendship wane.

A few years later, we meet again on social media and I know he was ending a relationship with his girlfriend. 

I still consider he is someone important to me even though we don’t talk often or even see each other. I’m not sure what is happening in his life, but I wish I did. To this day we will exchange a few casual texts, but haven’t seen each other face to face in months. We live in the same town, yet it feels as if we are states apart.

Sometimes people fall out of our everyday lives so that they can discover who they are without you, and so you can discover who you are without them.

I hope you find a lover who is your best friend,

a lover who is kind as the wind.

I hope you find love within this lover, and

I hope that one day they find you too.

- veniavionita -
Hei you!

if you have something what you want to say to me, please contact me and tell me. 

I'll be waiting..