"Dreaming of a simple life is the biggest dream of all."

I think it is. I would rather have a modest life than a wealthy one. And I have talked to lots of people who feel this way. “Go out and get a good job”. I was born from a simple family, my father was a businessman and my mother was a housewife. When I was in grade 3 at elementary school, I want to be a female pilot, when my female friends want to be doctors, nurses, teachers or artists, there was nothing wrong with that. I only graduated from high school, at the age of 17 I worked as a sales for medicinal products. 

but, as a time goes by, now I have a good work. Someday, I want to work in engineering at one of the biggest companies like Chevron, SKK MIGAS, or URS Corporation. I want to save my money from my salary to buy a house, get married and build a business later. Whether it's a business in the fields of food/beverages, clothing tailor or services.

In the other side, I want to continue my education to college. And if later I have a lot of money, I want to build a Foundation for children who don’t have parents for those who are worthy of life. When I get married, I want to have cats and dogs at home, to take care of them with my husband and my children later. I hope.

Lost Stars
Adam Levine

Please don't see just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies
Please see me reaching out for someone I can't see
Take my hand let's see where we wake up tomorrow
Best laid plans sometimes are just a one night stand
I'd be damned Cupid's demanding back his arrow
So let's get drunk on our tears and
God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young
It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?

Who are we? Just a speck of dust within the galaxy?
Woe is me, if we're not careful turns into reality
Don't you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow
Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer
Turn the page maybe we'll find a brand new ending
Where we're dancing in our tears and

God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young
It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?

I thought I saw you out there crying
I thought I heard you call my name
I thought I heard you out there crying
Just the same

God, give us the reason youth is wasted on the young
It's hunting season and this lamb is on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?

I thought I saw you out there crying
I thought I heard you call my name
I thought I heard you out there crying

But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?

Penulis lagu: Nicky John Southwood / Nick P. Lashley / Danielle A. Brisebois / Gregg Alexander

Yang sukar ialah, ikhlas pada keputusan Tuhan.

Sekalipun dalam bentuk kepulangan.

– Sarah Noer 

Kemarin, tepat tanggal 18 Februari 2020, Indonesia kembali berduka mendengar kepergian suami dari artis Bunga Citra Lestari dan juga aktor tanah air yaitu Ashraf Sinclair. Jujur, mendengar berita itu saya kaget, bahkan sempet sedih banget. Padahal saya tidak mengenal almarhum. Tapi rasanya ikut berduka atas kepergian almarhum. Saya cuma bisa mengirimkan doa yang terbaik untuk almarhum dan keluarga BCL yang ditinggalkan semoga diberikan kekuatan.

Berbicara tentang perpisahan atau kepergian, kematian adalah hal yang paling ditakutkan untuk semua orang. Takut kehilangan, takut tidak bisa bertemu kembali untuk selama-lamanya. Februari 2015 lalu, papa saya pergi meninggalkan saya dan keluarga untuk selama-lamanya. Malam itu saya dibangunkan dari tidur dan mendapati kabar papa saya sudah meninggal di rumah sakit. Seketika nyawa saya seperti melayang ada yang hilang. Cuma bisa menangis, menangis dan menangis. Tidak bisa berkata apa-apa dan masih tidak percaya saya harus kehilangan papa saya untuk selama-lamanya. 

Sampai sekarang, kalau mendengar kabar duka dari keluarga, teman dekat, atau bahkan orang yang tidak dikenal sekalipun masih terasa sakit. Dan saya tidak bisa membayangkan jika itu terjadi lagi dan menimpa orang-orang terdekat saya. I feel like I’m the saddest person in the world.

Pernah suatu ketika, saya bertemu papa di dalam mimpi. Rasanya seperti nyata. Saya peluk papa, menangis sejadi-jadinya. Kemudian saya terbangun dengan wajah yang sangat basah, bantal pun ikut basah, saya sadari itu air mata dari kerinduan yg teramat sangat.

It’s been 5 years and still bargaining mode. Walaupun setiap harinya saya merasa hidup saya hanya tinggal separuh nyawa, ada beberapa hal yang masih membuat saya bertahan dan bersyukur. Saya masih memiliki ibu, adik dan kakak yang begitu menyayangi saya. Saya masih memiliki pacar yang sangat mencintai saya dan saya masih memiliki teman-teman yang begitu baik kepada saya.

Memang susah untuk ikhlas menerima keputusan Tuhan, tapi saya mencoba untuk terus mensyukuri hidup saya hari ini. Karena saya percaya, kita semua yang pernah dipisahkan oleh Tuhan suatu saat akan dipertemukan kembali di tempat terbaik yang sudah Tuhan siapkan.


"Happiness is 'contagious’ and can spread through by networks, friends, family, neighbours, and the people we found out there."

Seorang perempuan berangkat kerja di pagi hari. Memesan aplikasi ojek online ke tempat tujuan dengan jarak tempuh 11 kilometer.

“Selamat pagi, Pak” sapanya kepada sang driver terlebih dulu.
“Pagi mbak” sang driver membalas sembari memberikan senyuman.
Sesampainya di tempat tujuan, perempuan tersebut membayarnya dengan uang 30 ribuan untuk argo yang hampir 25 ribu.
“ambil saja kembaliannya pak, hati-hati di jalan” kata perempuan itu dengan senyum.
“terimakasih” jawab driver penuh syukur.

Sebelum melanjutkan orderan berikutnya, sang driver mampir dulu ke warteg langganannya untuk sarapan.

“kayak biasa pak?” tanya penjual makanan di warteg.
“iya biasa, nasi tempe orek sayur. Tapi tambahin ayam ya” jawab driver.
Dan ketika membayar nasi, di tambahkannya uang 2 ribu rupiah kepada penjual makanan di warteg.
“buat jajan anaknya” sahut driver.

Dengan tambahan uang 2 ribu tadi, pagi itu anak penjual makanan ke sekolah dengan senyum lebar.

Sesampai di sekolah anak tersebut membeli 2 roti, yang satunya akan diberikan kepada teman sebangkunya yang tidak membawa bekal sarapan.
Teman dari anak penjual makanan warteg itupun merasa senang dan bersyukur pagi itu.

Begitulah kebagahagiaan itu mengalir.

Perempuan mulai menyebarkan kebahagiaan.
Bapak driver bahagia hari itu.
Ibu dan anak penjual makanan di warteg pun turut bahagia.
Teman dari si anak pun turun tertular kebahagiaan.

Kebahagiaan adalah sebuah pilihan. Diri kitalah yang harus siap memilih untuk bahagia dan menularkan kebahagiaan. Semoga sisa hidup kita selalu bahagia dan membuat orang lain bahagia dengan keberadaan kita.

"semua yang tertangkap panca indera, seringkali menghalangi untuk melihat dirinya. Jangankan menjalankan perannya, tahu dirinya pun mungkin tiada."

Bring me back the time when nobody cared about aesthetics, or engagements, or however the hell we were judged on social media” 

Ketika Taylor Swift merilis album baru—we share her music. Ketika Kylie Jenner mengeluarkan produk lipstick terbarunya—we buy it. When Kanye goes gospel—we all talk about it.

Jadi bagaimana bisa, ketika orang yang kita cintai atau orang terdekat kita meluncurkan bisnis atau merilis produk baru yang luar biasa — kebanyakan dari kita tidak mau repot untuk mendukung bisnis tersebut?

Beberapa waktu lalu saya mendengar percakapan dimana hal ini membuat saya bertanya-tanya. “Why is it more socially acceptable to celebrate a celebrity entrepreneur or famous creative than it is to support the small business owner?” One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that having support is critical. Social proof matters and it can be a catapult for those hustling and grinding to build a business.

Today, I want to remind all of us that supporting small business doesn’t need to cost you a lot of money nor does it even require you to leave your home. You can champion the creative, entrepreneurial, dreamers in your everyday life… and it’s simple to do.

It is absolutely free to be an advocate for a friend who is running a small business.

5 cara untuk mendukung usaha kecil:

Follow, like & comment on their social media content. Ini membantu pemilik usaha kecil untuk terus memperhatikan setiap produk yang mereka jual. Hal ini juga dapat menciptakan bukti social bahwa mereka memiliki orang-orang di belakangnya yang terus mendukung usaha kecilnya tersebut.

Share about their business online and in person. Referrals are a game-changer for service and product-based businesses. In fact, it’s how a lot of them grow! So refer your small business friends whenever possible.

Cheer them on! Running a business is hard and I mean really, really, really hard. Jadilah teman yang mendukung bentuk kecil apapun usaha seseorang.

Respect their time. Your small business friend has a lot on their plate, and they’re likely doing the amount of work that most companies would have 3-4 people doing. Remember if they take a little while to get back to you, they still like you and want to talk and spend time with you. They just read your message, smiled, and kept on getting things done. Also, just because they work from home doesn’t mean they are free to hang out or can drop everything they are doing to help you at 10am on a Tuesday. Hargai waktu mereka dengan cara yang sama seperti kamu berharap orang lain menghargai waktu kamu.

Pay full price. Ini salah satu hal yang krusial, kadang tanpa kita sadar atau mungkin dengan sadar kita suka meminta “harga teman” atau “diskon”. Padahal setiap pelaku usaha memiliki untung dan rugi. Pay full price because they deserve it. And if they do offer you something for free - think about how you can support them. Perhaps repeat steps 1-4 and send them an unexpected gift, thank you card, or dinner out to show your gratitude.

Supporting a small business can all the difference in someone’s life, so start showing up. Cheers! 😊

When I falter, I remember to look for the faces that are standing around me. Those friends who would rather spend a dozen tearful nights by my side than a lifetime without me… they are the ones I will cherish the most. Never forget how amazing my family is. Hold them close. There will come a time when we will separate.

Be brave. Stand up for what is right, even when it makes me weak in the knees and knotted up inside. Have the audacity to believe that my actions, and my words can make a difference.

When my words lose their meaning, when sentences – strung together with even the most eloquent of phrases – fail to express my emotion… My photographs will. My images will give me the ability to share exactly how I'm see the world… for all its beauty and its grace.

Yes, I am telling to my self that what I do matters and if my voice has the power to improve just one person’s life… It’s worth speaking up. There will be those who tell me that I'm naive. They will try to diminish my positive spirit and I beg of me – fight back. I will open my heart and wide-eyed wonder is a rarity in this world. At seventeen, I see the realities of this life and choose to focus on the silver lining.

That positive outlook will pull me through some of the darkest times. Hold on to it. Even when the waves roar higher, have faith that the wind will guide my sails to safe harbor.

When the adventure is going to bring far more than I ever could have planned for; more than I ever could have dreamed of. But keep dreaming. My dreams are so needed.

May I not know it yet… but I were born to be a creative. I have entrepreneurship running through my bloodstream and big dreams filling every tiny space in my heart. And as much as my passion will define me, I promise that it will never confine me.

if you could see your whole life from start to finish, would you change things?

5 tahun lalu usia saya masih 17 tahun, dimana saya masih duduk di bangku kelas 3 SMA. Pernah terlintas kah di pikiran kalian jika kalian kehilangan orang terdekat untuk selama-lamanya? Sebelumnya, hal itu tidak pernah terlintas dalam pikiran saya. Yang saya tahu, saya masih menikmati hari-hari saya bersama keluarga. Sampai satu hari dimana saya harus kehilangan Papa saya, kehilangan untuk selama-lamanya. Saya berpikir waktu itu saya adalah orang yang paling tidak beruntung, dimana papa saya harus meninggal disaat saya masih membutuhkan beliau.

Setelah papa saya meninggal, hal pertama yang saya pikirkan yaitu kehidupan saya akan berubah 180 atau bahkan 360⁰. Dari segi kehidupan maupun ekonomi. Yep benar saja, kakak saya pada saat itu masih kuliah, saya masih kelas 3 SMA, dan adik saya masih Sekolah Dasar. This is the hard part in my life.

”ikhlas menerima ketetapan Tuhan itu adalah ibadah yang baik“

Sepenggal tulisan cak nun yang masih saya ingat sampai hari ini. Saya berusaha untuk keep going my life, untuk diri saya, Ibu saya serta adik dan kakak saya. Setelah saya lulus SMA, saya melanjutkan untuk mencari pekerjaan. Saya harus keluar dari comfort zone. Ketika saya keluar dari zona nyaman saya. Hal yang terlintas dipikiran saya adalah "ternyata saya bukanlah satu-satunya orang yang tidak beruntung. di luar sana, ada ribuan orang yang lebih tidak beruntung daripada diri saya"


Ketika saya menulis blog ini yang saya pikirkan adalah "apa yang akan saya bagikan untuk pembaca blog saya?" lalu saya terlintas, I’m want to sharing a blog-letter that I wrote to the seventeen year old version of myself. The sweet teenage soul with her worries, insecurities, and fears. The girl who grew up to believe that she truly could make an impact and help others to do the same. Dan jika bahkan ada orang di luar sana membaca blog saya ini, orang tersebut dapat menemukan kenyamanan dalam blog saya.


Dear Venia,

You don’t need to be perfect. I know that you feel pressured to look a certain way, to fit into a mold that you believe will equate to happiness, but I’m here to tell you that it won’t. Happiness isn’t another ten pounds or hundred dollars away. Happiness doesn’t exist in material objects, money, accolades, or praise. It doesn’t arise from being successful, it doesn’t multiply with the number of friends you have, or even accumulate with the number of zeros on your paycheck.

Happiness comes from truly and unapologetically loving yourself.

One day, very soon, you will leave your familiar streets behind you for the great big world outside. And the people you will meet along your travels will teach you more than textbooks ever could.

Find ways to make other people smile. Hold the door open for strangers. Volunteer. Never cease in your efforts to make this world a better place.

I can hear you saying: What if I try and I fail? What if I reach for the unknown and come crashing to the ground?  Oh, Venia, but what if you succeed?  What if taking that leap is exactly what you were meant to do?


You are going to fail. Itu adalah bagian kehidupan yang tidak bisa terhindarkan dan akan mengajarkan kamu lebih dari apa pun keberhasilan kamu. Failure makes us more resilient, it teaches us how to improve, it gives us the experience we need to succeed. Hear me in this: there is no shame in failing. (Hold up ... go and read that sentence again because I really want it to sink in for you!)

You won't always be the best at something, tapi kamu punya pilihan untuk menjadi orang yang bekerja lebih keras lagi dibanding yang lainnya. Don't take shortcuts, don't choose the easy way out, learn your craft, and pour your soul into building a career you can be proud of. Your perseverance will lay the foundation for lasting impact.

Your desire to serve other people, your vision for the way this world could be… it is going to set you free.

-Your Much Older, Slightly Wiser 23-Year-Old-Self-